The day before Australia Day I got a call from one of the many temp agencies I had signed up with - one of the two I'd met in person - I've still had no response from the six I signed up with online. They had a job for me! Starting the day after Australia Day, no less. So I jumped at it.
I'm working at a pension company (which I won't name as blogging about your work has been in the papers back home as not a good idea). It's based in the North Sydney suburb of Milson's Point, just at the far end of the Harbour Bridge. I turned up on Thursday morning after my first ever train-based commute (ten minutes and two stops, but very full). They gave me an ID pass with the name Lenny Utomo crossed out with marker pen, and I was in.
The work isn't exactly demanding, being temp-standard. I was put to work opening letters and then sorting them into piles based on the response of the writer. But hey, I need the money, and it's a pretty good rate for temps in Sydney apparently. The people there are great, and I can listen to music, so it's not too bad. Plus I can walk home! People who know me know how keen/mad I am on walking to and from work, and this job I can walk home via the Harbour Bridge and through the central Hyde Park, so I'm well happy. It takes me about 70 minutes, so it's similar to my old Edinburgh walk I did for all those years. Except it's in 25C heat, which is never similar to Edinburgh...